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5 Reasons To Solo Travel Costa Rica


Traveling alone is a priceless experience that we recommend to anyone, and solo travel adds a unique component to international adventures. Here are five great reasons why Costa Rica should be at the top of your list as a solo traveler!

The Mercado Central

The Mercado Central in downtown is a one-stop for a tasty snack, a touristy souvenir, and a cooling ice cream. The food is among the most authentic in the city. The souvenirs are a little less authentic (like a cuddly sloth toy,) but the prices are low and the offerings colorful.

Celebrate your purchases with an ice cream, served fresh from the carts scattered throughout the market.


Culture to Suit All Tastes

Whether you are into theater, dance, or music, San Jose offers world-class cultural experiences at an affordable price. The Teatro de la Danza is home to the city’s dance company, known for its innovative combination of classic and modern techniques.

The Sala Garbo cinema specializes in showing independent films with overtly political messages. Costa Rica is home to a burgeoning music scene too. Beyond the usual salsa clubs and dive bars, you’ll find a series of hip new venues championing everything from ambient synth pop to post-rock guitar bands.


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Photo By Shutterstock/Mooshny


The Happiest Country

It is gorgeous! Soft sand clean beaches, warm ocean waters, and enough nature to fill a year’s worth of National Geographic issues. This country has quickly transitioned to a great tourist hot spot as well as an ideal spot for expats looking to relocate. Voted 2012 as “The Happiest Country” in the world, who wouldn’t want to go check it out and see what all the fuss is about. If you are thinking about taking a break, or perhaps an “extended vacation,” this is the place!


You Won’t Be Alone!

Sure solo travel leads people to believe that you are embarking on a journey on your own. As soon as you land in any town in Costa Rica, you will have lots of friends to greet you. Many cities were created with expats from all over the world, looking for the same adventure you are.

With such a common bond you will be sure to meet lots of friendly faces that will be happy to have a new traveler and adventurer around them.


You Will Still Feel Safe

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Phot By Shutterstock/Maria Savenko


Most towns don’t have many cars; almost everyone is on foot or bicycle. By just using common sense and paying attention to your surroundings, you will find yourself feeling very safe and at home in Costa Rica.

Sure you might get the occasional catcall, but generally speaking, that is rare, and Costa Rica is a very respectful and polite country of locals and expats alike. Just don’t advertise that you have a brand new fancy computer, camera, cell phone, and iPad sitting back at home, and you should be just fine!


If you have any questions about solo travel or tours to schedule on your trip, call us at (US) 949-208-1158, or (Costa Rica) 506-2643-2182, or email us at!