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5 Reasons to Group Travel in Costa Rica


While planning an adventurous tour, there is one question that is always on a person’s mind; to go it as ‘el solo lobo’ or to have a group travel. While it may be more luxurious to travel alone, going it with a group of friends or other people can have its benefits, especially if you are planning a tour of the famed Costa Rica. Let’s take a look at some of the perks that come with having a bunch of travelers by your side:

1.   Save on costs

Traveling alone can be luxurious. But luxury comes at a price, a big one. While you are alone, you will concentrate more on the ‘go with the flow’ type of touring. This means there is no prior planning beforehand and can end up creating a major dent in your pocket. However, since a group tour is pre-arranged and the schedule is prepared, you will know just how much money you can expect to spend in the span of the trip.

In most cases, you may even pay for everything; meals, accommodation, destinations; beforehand and you need not worry about such matters later on. Also, you will find that the charges of touring as a group are significantly lower than those of being just one person.

Group travel, therefore, helps you budget your money wisely and prevent unexpected expenses from ruining your tour.

group travel

Photo By Shutterstock/Syda Productions


2.   You get a better experience 

While traveling alone, you will have your own perspective during the entire trip. If you’re in a group of travelers from different backgrounds, each person brings their own perspective and experiences, and that makes for a much more adventurous tour.

Having a Costa Rican local among you can really help out in the exploration department. The local can act as a tour guide, taking you through the lush rainforests in the country and finding the best hiking trails through the mountainous terrain that is Costa Rica. As you traverse the coastal shores of southern Costa Rica, you will find that within a group, snorkeling is much more fun.


3.   Make new friends

There is something about being among a group of people with similar interests that creates an immediate bond. And what better way to bond with others than at a group travel. The new faces you meet during your vacation soon become familiar faces as you interact and exchange experiences throughout the course of the tour. In some cases, people meet their significant others in this manner.

Whatever country you hail from, while traveling among others in Costa Rica, there is no doubt that you will create a whole network of friends from different places. You might even get a whole group of friends to travel with all over again through other trails within Costa Rica. Planning will be much easier as each person involved chips in with a different idea for the trip.

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Photo By Shutterstock/Kichigin


4.   Safety in numbers

You cannot deny it. Being within a group offers the added advantage of security during a trip. It is much safer and harder to get lost in unknown forests. Being new to a certain place can make you feel quite uneasy due to the numerous unknowns. When you are in a group, you achieve confidence in that you will go out on your adventure each day and get back to your hotel room later on.

Also, choosing a group travel helps traverse the language barrier between you and the locals. This helps to avoid worries that can arise at customs and the entrance to the parks.


5.   You get to easily access more challenging destinations

There are some destinations in which it is highly advisable to have some help from the experts. Hiking through the Monteverde Cloud Forest would be near impossible without the backup of an experienced touring organization. There is no shame in hiring a tour guide to take you on your adventure in such a situation. In fact, you will find that you get more value from the entire journey with a guide by your side and also get knowledge of how to get to a place that your map would most likely be unable to explore for you.

While snorkeling and scuba diving, it would probably be difficult for you to know where the reefs extend far offshore. With a group of travelers by your side, especially a local, you would be better suited to find the best spots for sightseeing. It would also benefit you more to have a group of travelers by your side as you go out for sport fishing and try to compete against each other.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about scheduling group travel tours, call us at (US) 949-208-1158, or (Costa Rica) 506-2643-2182, or email us at!