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Everything You Wanted to Know About How a Zip line Tour Works

Zip line TourHere at Ocean Ranch Park Eco Adventure Tours, one of our most popular adventure packages contains a zip line tour.  This is a fun adventure for virtually everyone in the family because it doesn’t take a ton of energy or skill.  You don’t have to be in the best shape of your life to enjoy a zip line tour or know how to swim or fish, like many tropical adventures. If you are in decent enough health to not have heat failure due to excitement, then a zip line tour is an awesome adventure for you.

The process works through a cable and harness system.  Cables are strung from a starting point to a lower ending point.  The harness is attached to the cable.  Since you are harnessed in place and attached to the cable, the ride is completely safe.  Gravity does the rest.  Once you jump, or ease off of the platform gravity will pull you down to the landing point.

You will zip through the trees, over valleys and streams and through the air on our exciting zip line tour.  This allows you to be at one with nature, see animal life and exotic birds and take in majestic views without the interference of anything man-made.  If, for example, you took a helicopter tour, the noise of the blades and the surrounding helicopter stands in between you and the nature around you. This is why we recommend that you experience multiple adventures for a different and more complete way to have fun in Costa Rica.
When you clip in on our zip line tour, you will zip from one platform to another. This gives you a variety of views and experiences so that you can enjoy more of what Costa Rica has to offer.  Each time you leave a platform you will have a new experience and surprises await you.  Our award winning tour operator(s) will talk you through the process and ensure that you are entirely safe along your journey.

The concept of a zip line tour really became popular in the jungles of Costa Rica because it is such an amazing way to experience the sights and sounds of nature.  It is not, however, a new concept.  The system of using cables, previously rope, has been used throughout the centuries.  In some remote areas of China, it is still the only way to access some villages.  When a bridge hasn’t been built, there must be a way to transport people and more frequently goods, across a canyon or river.  In this case, a cable or rope is often strung from one side to the other so that the locals can get what they need.  This has often been used during construction projects as well.  In Australia, their army has been known to successfully use this system.  Now, what was once used in remote places provides hours of adventure and entertainment.  To schedule your zip line tour, contact us today!


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